Expectation of Length of Maximum Monotone Sequence¶
Keep picking points uniformly randomly on [0,1]. If your current sequence is a monotonically increasing sequence, continue. What is the expected length of this monotonous sequence?
The formal definition of the current problem is as follows: Remark: \(\mathbb{N} = \{ 1,2,\dots \}\).
Consider the space \(X = [0,1]^\mathbb{N}\), where a probability measure \(p\) is defined by selecting a sequence of points uniformly from the interval \([0,1]\). And given function \(f: X \rightarrow [0,1]\) as:
Calculate \(E[f(X)]\).
当前问题的形式化定义如下: 备注:\(\mathbb{N} = \{ 1,2,\dots \}\).
设空间\(X = [0,1]^\mathbb{N}\),其中概率测度\(p\)通过从区间\([0,1]\)中均匀选择一个序列的点来定义。给定函数\(f: X \rightarrow [0,1]\)如下:
Consider the probability that the monotone growing sequence stops at \(n\).
Solution1: Analysis
For \(n\in \mathbb{N}\), consider set \(C_n = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) \ge n \}\), and \(A_n = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) = n \}\). And \(A_\infty = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) = \infty \}\).
It is obvious that \(C_1 \supset C_2 \supset \dots \supset C_\infty\) and \(C_1 = X\). It is also obvious that all \(C_n\) are measurable, as it can be written as countable union of measurable sets.
Furthermore, sets in \(\{A_n \mid n\in\mathbb{N}\}\cup\{A_\infty\}\) are mutually disjoint and \(X = C_\infty\cup\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} C_n\). Also, \(A_n = C_n \setminus C_{n+1}\). So \(p(A_n) = p(C_n) - p(C_{n+1})\).
We can see that, \(p(C_n)\) can be easily calculated as it is the probability that the first \(n\) points are in increasing order. Thus,
And therefore, we can see that, \(p(A_n) = \frac{1}{n!} - \frac{1}{(n+1)!}\). And
Finally, we can calculate \(E[f(X)]\) as:
By Taylor expansion, we can see that
对于 \(n\in \mathbb{N}\),考虑集合 \(C_n = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) \ge n \}\),以及 \(A_n = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) = n \}\)。再定义 \(A_\infty = \{ \gamma \in X \mid f(\gamma) = \infty \}\)。
显然 \(C_1 \supset C_2 \supset \dots \supset C_\infty\) 并且 \(C_1 = X\)。 同样显然,所有的 \(C_n\) 都是可测集,因为它们可以表示为可测集的可数并集。
此外,集合 \(\{A_n \mid n\in\mathbb{N}\}\cup\{A_\infty\}\) 是互不相交的, 并且 \(X = C_\infty\cup\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} C_n\)。 同时,\(A_n = C_n \setminus C_{n+1}\),所以 \(p(A_n) = p(C_n) - p(C_{n+1})\)。
我们可以看到,\(p(C_n)\) 可以很容易地计算出来, 因为它是前 \(n\) 个点按递增顺序排列的概率。因此,
因此,我们可以看到,\(p(A_n) = \frac{1}{n!} - \frac{1}{(n+1)!}\)。接下来
最后,我们可以计算 \(E[f(X)]\) 如下:
Solution2: Analysis
Define the indicator variable \(X_i\):
- \(X_i=1\): The sequence remains strictly increasing before the \(i\)-th element
- \(X_i=0\): The sequence is no longer strictly increasing before the \(i\)-th element
Then the sequence length \(f\) as the number of \(X_i\) that are 1, i.e., the number of elements before the sequence stops being strictly increasing. Therefore, the sequence length \(f\) can be expressed as the sum of these indicator variables:
According to the linearity of expectation, we have:
Now let's calculate \(E[X_i]\). To ensure \(E[X_i] = 1\), the sequence formed by all points before the \(i\)-th point must be strictly increasing. The probability of randomly selecting \(i\) points in the interval \([0, 1]\) such that they form a strictly increasing sequence is \(\frac{1}{i!}\):
Adding up all \(E[X_i]\), we get:
- \(X_i=1\): 序列在第\(i\)个元素之前保持单调递增
- \(X_i=0\): 序列在第\(i\)个元素之前不再保持单调递增
那么序列长度\(f\)就是所有\(X_i\)为 1 的个数,即序列在停止前的元素数目。 因此,序列长度\(f\)可以表示为这些指示变量的和:
下面我们来计算\(E[X_i]\), 要保证\(E[X_i] = 1\),需要第\(i\)个点之前所有点形成的序列是单调递增的。 在\([0, 1]\)区间内随机取\(i\)个点,使其严格递增的概率是\(\frac{1}{i!}\):
Solution3: Simulation¶
Solution3: Simulation
We can directly simulate the process of taking points to find the mean of the length of the monotone sequence as the numerical solution to this problem:
import math
import random
def random_point() -> float:
return random.uniform(0, 1)
def run_once() -> int:
pre_point = random_point()
sequence_length = 1
while True:
next_point = random_point()
if next_point <= pre_point:
sequence_length += 1
pre_point = next_point
return sequence_length
def simulation(run_nums: int = 1000000):
total_length = 0
for _ in range(run_nums):
sequence_length = run_once()
total_length += sequence_length
avg_length = total_length / run_nums
print(f"Average length: {avg_length}\n")
print(f"e - 1 = {math.e-1}\n")
return avg_length
Average length: 1.718259
e - 1 = 1.718281828459045
import math
import random
def random_point() -> float:
return random.uniform(0, 1)
def run_once() -> int:
pre_point = random_point()
sequence_length = 1
while True:
next_point = random_point()
if next_point <= pre_point:
sequence_length += 1
pre_point = next_point
return sequence_length
def simulation(run_nums: int = 1000000):
total_length = 0
for _ in range(run_nums):
sequence_length = run_once()
total_length += sequence_length
avg_length = total_length / run_nums
print(f"Average length: {avg_length}\n")
print(f"e - 1 = {math.e-1}\n")
return avg_length
Average length: 1.717995
e - 1 = 1.718281828459045