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生育政策与男女比例 (Fertility Policy)



If a family stops having children after giving birth to a boy, and continues to have children after giving birth to a girl until a boy is born, the question is: What will the gender ratio be in this place?


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The Sock Drawer



A drawer contains red socks and black socks. When two socks are drawn at random, the probability that both are red is \(\frac{1}{2}\)

(a) How small can the number of socks in the drawer be?

(b) How small if the number of black socks is even?

一个抽屉里装有红袜子和黑袜子。 当随机抽取两只袜子时,两只袜子都是红色的概率为\(\frac{1}{2}\)

(a) 抽屉里的袜子数量最少可以是多少?

(b) 如果黑袜子的数量是偶数,最少可以是多少?

About Beer

Why 🍺

相信很多统计学相关专业的同学都知道 Box-Cox 变换,这里 Box 就是统计学巨擘 George E. P. Box. 在其讣告Renowned statistician George Box dies at 93 中有这么一段关于 Monday night beer and statistics sessions 的介绍 (这在其传记中也有相关的介绍)。

Monday night beer and statistics sessions

Best known on campus were the Monday night beer and statistics sessions Box hosted at his home for students and other researchers. The gatherings sparked lively discussions about how statistics could help solve research problems posed by speakers from a wide range of disciplines.